what is typeinternational???
what is it's business???
typeinternational is the online job company that provides jobs under number of posts.
ie home typist, basic typist, marketing typist, superviser typist, data processor, type n click etc .
under any of the post we can work. They all are online jobs. For that membership is required. Certain amount is charged for membership.
The job provided by typeinternational is not so easy as it is given in the advertisement. The main task of the job is to post the data ie ad given by the typeinternational in different sites provided in typeinternational site. Those data is to be posted in classified sites.
Typeinternational has bounded members in some rules ie no isell sites becanada sites or net firm sites. The data or ad should posted once in one domain. There are lots of sub domain or repeated sites so member him/herself should have to filter those sites.
The other main task is report submission. While submitting report every member should care a lot so that the site is not repeated in report.
When we pass these rules there is 100% guaranteed money is recieved.
Other wise if there is 0.001% mistake in report or while posting ad against the rules no any dollar is paid from typeinternational.
So friends this is the main problem of the typeinternational why we don't get the money as we did the job.
Be carefull , read the rules and regulations of the typeinternational more times before starting. And be carefull while posting and while reporting.
As member of typeinternational i was facing same problem. My friends and me myself was so tired and frustrated about typeinternational and finally i chose the last time but in the third attempt i did. Now i am continuously doing this job may in future too.
For more visit: http://www.typeinternational.com
note: beware of fake companies there are lots of fake companies while searching google.