Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content websites, such as blogs, where advertisers only pay when a user actually clicks on an advertisement to visit the advertisers' website. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. When a user types a keyword query matching an advertiser's keyword list, or views a webpage with relevant content, the advertisements may be displayed. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to or above the "natural" or organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a webmaster or blogger chooses on a content page. Content websites commonly charge a fixed price for a click rather than use a bidding mechanism.
Although many PPC providers exist, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the largest network operators as of 2007. Minimum prices per click, often referred to as costs per click (CPC), vary depending on the search engine and the level of competition for a particular phrase or keyword list—with some CPCs as low as US$0.01. Very popular search terms can cost much more on popular search engines. The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and other search engines have implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt webmasters.Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Click fraud is a type of Internet crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script, or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad's link. Click fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud.
Use of a computer to commit this type of Internet fraud is a felony in many jurisdictions, for example, as covered by Penal code 502 in California, USA, and the Computer Misuse Act 1990 in the United Kingdom. There have been arrests relating to click fraud with regard to malicious clicking in order to deplete a competitor's advertising budget.
Pay per click advertising or, PPC advertising, is an arrangement in which webmasters (operators of Web sites), acting as publishers, display clickable links from advertisers in exchange for a charge per click. As this industry evolved, a number of advertising networks developed, which acted as middlemen between these two groups (publishers and advertisers). Each time a (believed to be) valid Web user clicks on an ad, the advertiser pays the advertising network, who in turn pays the publisher a share of this money. This revenue-sharing system is seen as an incentive for click fraud.
The largest of the advertising networks, Google's AdWords/AdSense and Yahoo! Search Marketing, act in a dual role, since they are also publishers themselves (on their search engines). According to critics, this complex relationship may create a conflict of interest. For instance, Google loses money to undetected click fraud when it pays out to the publisher, but it makes more money when it collects fees from the advertiser. Because of the spread between what Google collects and what Google pays out, click fraud directly and invisibly profits Google.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Affiliate marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.
Affiliate marketing is also the name of the industry where a number of different types of companies and individuals are performing this form of Internet marketing, including affiliate networks, affiliate management companies, and in-house affiliate managers, specialized third party vendors, and various types of affiliates/publishers who promote the products and services of their partners.
Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.
Affiliate marketing—using one website to drive traffic to another—is a form of online marketing, which is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategiesMORE -- VISIT 1.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Now ozwebresources,
what is this???
what kind company is this???
Where is this company???
Friends i have searched a lot about this. Finally i came to know that this is the online job company. Moreover this is data entry company. Infact one of the genuine company among online data entry companies. This company is the brother company of typeinternational company which is owned by same person ie shareholder.
Friends i came to know that this company's job is not that much hard job than typeinternational but here mostly perfect and executive level ie who has already done data entry or doing they are doing job in this company. Friends who knows their motto but you should be care before starting with any company. Because there are lots of fraud company sorounding and searching the honest and noble person to cheat. This blog is totally to make you friends aware from the fraud company.
The most important thing is you should look after yourself.
Friends finally ozwebresources is one of the genuine company. But here also same effort is required. Careless persons and who are lazy cannot do this job and i suggest those people not to join such company who are "lazy and careless".
U can visit for more information. Before joining read carefully and check them in and people says after satisfaction join otherwise don't.
Ok friends it's time to leave. I'll be back with next topic next week.
Thanx for visiting ...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
what is typeinternational???
what is it's business???
typeinternational is the online job company that provides jobs under number of posts.
ie home typist, basic typist, marketing typist, superviser typist, data processor, type n click etc .
under any of the post we can work. They all are online jobs. For that membership is required. Certain amount is charged for membership.
The job provided by typeinternational is not so easy as it is given in the advertisement. The main task of the job is to post the data ie ad given by the typeinternational in different sites provided in typeinternational site. Those data is to be posted in classified sites.
Typeinternational has bounded members in some rules ie no isell sites becanada sites or net firm sites. The data or ad should posted once in one domain. There are lots of sub domain or repeated sites so member him/herself should have to filter those sites.
The other main task is report submission. While submitting report every member should care a lot so that the site is not repeated in report.
When we pass these rules there is 100% guaranteed money is recieved.
Other wise if there is 0.001% mistake in report or while posting ad against the rules no any dollar is paid from typeinternational.
So friends this is the main problem of the typeinternational why we don't get the money as we did the job.
Be carefull , read the rules and regulations of the typeinternational more times before starting. And be carefull while posting and while reporting.
As member of typeinternational i was facing same problem. My friends and me myself was so tired and frustrated about typeinternational and finally i chose the last time but in the third attempt i did. Now i am continuously doing this job may in future too.
For more visit:
note: beware of fake companies there are lots of fake companies while searching google.

Online typing jobs are related to how fast you can type. The faster you are the more assignment you can do. So for this job you have to build up your typing skill. Others nothing needed in this job.
There are lots of typing jobs. American lectures don't have enough time to type so they used to give such assignment to the typing institutes , projects , companies. And they search for the typing person. The rate is different from parties to parties. Some pays higher some pays less according to their business.
Friends search in google you can find lots of online or offline typing jobs but beware of fake companies there may be hanging to cheat you friends.

The most important online job is data entry.
It is also known as data posting ie the given data is to be posted in different sites allowed by that company. It's not so hard. The data is usually given in by the company and we have to post that data known as advertisement. There are many ways of posting one is just copy and paste in text form and next is in coding that is differ according to the language.
So friends hope you may understand what is data entry in simple as i have tried to help in my blog through my little knowledge.
note:beware of fake companies.

Their main task is to provide home based jobs that may be dataentry, data posting, typing , data processing and many others in home. So they can do their jobs in front of their children.
But nowadays homebased jobs are not limited for householders ie wife, home based jobs are being more interested by the youngers teenagers and even the "berojgar" ie jobless person.
No need of lots of education and just investing a little amount they can start this job. The most important thing is they are their own boss. Any time suitable for them can do. No limit of time no any boundry. So people these days are leaving 8 hours jobs and starting doing 2-6 hours job and earning unexpectedly and more than their skills.
So friends this is my advice just look once to the online jobs and evaluate yourself how much you can earn.
note: beware of fake companies
Friday, September 19, 2008
Typeinternational is SCAM or NOT ???
This is stupied to make blog to make clear about somecompany that never pays money to write this topic. Instead that i get lot of satisfation to make clear or to give true information about such company.
While we search to google and search typeinternational, we get lots of positive and negative topics about typeinternational. some says it's scam few says it's not. we still becomes confused what actually is typeinternational?
Friends i want to ask one question. Who pays to the incomplete or mistake work done in this world to the strangers??? -the answer is nobody will pay to mistake or incomplete job.
This is correct friend even i'll not pay to anybody if does mistake.
Nobody in this world wants to expend their money in no work done.
Now let me say something about "TYPEINTERNATIONAL"
Typeinternational is online data entry company. It has provided different levels of employment. For example = marketing typist ( earns $130-$150) working 3 hours in average per day for 2-4 weeks
home typist ( earns $360-unlimited ie more than $500) working 6-10/ more hours in average per day for month.
like this there is combo typist , type n click , basic typist etc .
All post are designed according to the skill, working period as needs no lot skills just basic knowledge of net surfing and computer.
Now let me talk "typeinternational scam or not ???"
typeinternational is really hardworking company for the beginner. The job provided is really hardworking but for only beginner. This is because of lack of proper training from the franchisee company. Actually typeinternational has provided franchisee in various countries but the lack of proper care from franchisee it has not given the lots of sucess to the member. So the unsucess member used to say typeinternational as scam company. I have heard from my lots of friend who have joined and some of them already left.
I have seen in my front one of the school student who has just passed class 9 and got cash of around Rs. 7000 .
yeh he got cash after 2 months that is true he got late but he has got.
That little boy has inspired me about typeinternational is not the scam. We should believe in hardworking.
I asked that boy how many times you got cash / checque he replied once after 2 months he also told me that he had done mistake in first again he submitted report and second time his report was approved and shown balance in his a/c ie stats.
So friend don't be frustrate about typeinternation if you have already joined or going to join.
Just be free and join if you are hard worker. I am not motivating but if you want to do online job there are lot of scam companies among them typeinternational is geniune data entry company.
So Typeinternational is NOT SCAM NOT SCAM NOT SCAM